引用本文:刘井杰,王海超,刘玲爽,王益民,曹祖宾. 糠醛抽出油生产芳烃溶剂油的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(1): 43-46,97.
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刘井杰1, 王海超2, 刘玲爽1, 王益民, 曹祖宾
关键词:  抽出油  芳烃溶剂油  糠醛  剂油比  抽提温度  分析与评价
Study on Aromatic Solvent Naphtha Refined from Furfural Extract Oil
Liu Jingjie1, Wang Haichao2, Liu Lingshuang1
1.School of Petrochemical Technology,Liaoning University of Petroleum & Chemical Technology,Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China;2.Department of Chemical Engineering,Chengde School of Petroleum Higher Specialist,Chengde 067000,Hebei
The process condition of preparation of aromatic solvent naphtha using furfural extraction-vacuum distillation is studied and the furfural extract oil of the second line and the fourth line of distillation of Daqing refinery is used as feedstock.The influence of extracting temperature and solvent-oil ratio on both the yield of product and aromatic content is investigated. Results show that: when the solvent-oil ratio is 2.0∶1,temperature is 60℃,product’s yields and aromatic content of the second line of distillation reach 52.3% and 80.6% respectively;when the solvent-oil ratio is 3.0∶1,temperature is 70℃,product’s yields and aromatic of the fourth line of distillation reach 55.1% and 76.8% respectively.The products are analyzed and evaluated.The index of the obtained aromatic solvent naphtha could meet the requirements of trade standard JSBR-1712.
Key words:  extract oil  aromatic solvent naphtha  furfural  extracting temperature  solvent-oil ratio  analysis and evaluation