引用本文:李海英,张贵杰,高翔. 非常规石油资源热解特性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 189-192,177.
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李海英1,2, 张贵杰2, 高翔2
通过自制的热解装置对非常规石油资源油砂、油页岩及油泥进行了热解模拟实验研究,分析了不同热工条件下热解产物中油和干馏残渣的特性、气体组分和产率。结果 表明,固体产物的产率随着热解温度的升高逐渐下降,油的产率在500℃左右时存在最大值,不凝结气体的产率随着热解温度的升高逐渐升高;不同热解温度下油气收率为95%~99.5%,其中油的比例为70%~75%;非常规石油资源的热解液态产物具有良好的发火性、低温流动性能、良好的安全性等特性,可以达到燃料油的指标要求。
关键词:  非常规石油资源  热解  特性
Study on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Non-conventional Oil Resource
Li Haiying1,2, Zhang Guijie2, Gao Xiang2
1.School of Environment Science and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.College of Metallurgy and Energy,Hebei Polytechnic University,Tangshan 063009,China
In order to analyze the characteristic,the composition and the yield of the gas of the oil and cracking residue from the pyrolysis product,the pyrolysis simulation experiments of non-conventional oil resources such as oil sands,oil shale and oil sludge under different thermal conditions were made.The results showed that the yield of solid pyrolysis product gradually decreased with the increasing temperature,the yield of oil reached its maximum value at about 500℃,and non-condensing gas yield gradually increased as the pyrolysis temperature rises.Under different pyrolysis temperature,the yield of the oil and gas ranged from 95% to 99.5%,of which oil accounted for 70% to 75%.The pyrolysis liquids(oil) products of non-conventional oil resources had characteristics with good ignition quality,low temperature liquidity and reliability safety.From the result of the evaluation of oil,the quality indexing was conformed to the criterion of fuel oil.
Key words:  non-conventional oil resources  pyrolysis  characteristic