引用本文:扈伟杰,沈本贤,孙辉,刘纪昌. 影响脱硫溶剂UDS与MDEA腐蚀性的因素考察及比较[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(3): 213-217,220,178,179.
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扈伟杰, 沈本贤, 孙辉, 刘纪昌
关键词:  高酸性天然气  UDS溶剂  腐蚀  无机氯  有机氯
Investigation and Comparison of Influencing Factors of the Corrosion Properties of UDS and MDEA Desulphurization Solvent
Hu Weijie, Shen Benxian, Sun Hui
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China
In order to effectively reduce the corrosion of natural gas purification solvents,the corrosion of UDS and MDEA solvents are investigated and compared.The corrosion rates of these two solvents under various temperatures and chloride contents are determined using the stainless steel coupon weight loss method.The results indicate that the corrosion of both the UDS and MDEA solvents increases as the temperature increases,and the corrosion of the two solvents to the stainless steel coupon increases slowly below 120℃,the corrosion of the two solvents to 20# carbon steel increases between 30℃~120℃.As UDS solvent,the corrosion rate of rich solution is about 96 times larger than that of lean solution.Furthermore,the corrosion rate of both UDS and MDEA increases as the contents of chloride increase.With the increase of the contents of inorganic chloride,the corrosion influences on UDS and MDEA solvents are obviously larger compared to organic chloride.The corrosion of UDS to 20# carbon steel is weaker than that of MDEA solvent.
Key words:  high-sour natural gas  UDS solvent  corrosion  inorganic chloride  organic chloride