引用本文:孙恒,舒丹,马文华,李兆慈. 混合胺法深度脱碳的工艺参数模拟优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(4): 297-299,268.
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孙恒, 舒丹, 马文华, 李兆慈
关键词:  混合胺  脱碳  配比  模拟
Parameter Optimization Simulation of Deep Decarbonization Process Using Mixed Amines Solvent
Sun Heng, Shu Dan, Ma Wenhua
China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, Beijing 102249, China
Simulations of natural gas deep decarbonization process with MDEA- DEA solvent are done with K-E model. When the constraint conditions are purification effect, the overhead gas losses, the objective function is the heating power of the reboiler,and the basic parameters of the absorber and regeneration tower are given, the reflux ratio, reboil ratio and mixture ratio of amine are optimized. As the minimum point of the heating power is near limit acid gas load, and the reduction of the amine solution circulating load will lead to rapid increase of the heating power, so it is nec-essary to leave enough design margin, which can provide ba-sis for the optimizations of the amine solution ratio.The purification effect is perfect when the concentration of DEA is 10%~13% according to simulation results.
Key words:  mixed-amine  decarbonization  ratio  simulation