引用本文:雍兴跃,张建,祝威,侯影飞,陈远超,张丁. 半干化含聚油泥的微波热处理过程研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(4): 354-359,271,272.
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关键词:  半干化  含聚油泥  微波热处理  微波热解  微波吸收剂  微波焚烧残渣
Microwave Heat Treatment Process of Half-dried Oil Sludge Containing PAC
Yong Xingyue1, Zhang Jian2, Zhu Wei2
1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology) Beijing 100029;2.Shengli Engineering Design and Consulting Company, Ltd. , SINOPEC,Dongying 257026, Shandong;3.Beijing University of Chemical Technology) Beijing 100029(2. Shengli Engineering Design and Consulting Company, Ltd. , SINOPEC,Dongying 257026, Shandong
The microwave heat treatment process of half-dried oil sludge containing PAC was studied. The experimental results showed this process was divided into five stages: rapidly-increasing temperature stage, microwave drying stage, microwave evaporation stage of heavy hydro-carbon, microwave pyrolysis stage and microwave burning stage. The microwave pyrolysis temperature of half-dried oil sludge containing PAC is 370℃~450℃.There was no effect of the mass of half-dried oil sludge containing PAC on the characteristic of microwave heat treatment process. There was no microwave drying process if oil sludge containing PAC contained much less water, resulting in changing the characteristic of microwave heat treatment process. The process would be speeded up with increasing microwave power. The liquid oil recovering from the process was com-posed of gasoline, diesel oil and heavy oil. The proportion of gasoline and diesel oil in liquid oil is about 70%. The quality of liquid oil is very good. The concentration of dissolved heavy metal ions from residue char was much lower than that of national standard. The addition of residue char as mi-crowave absorber into half-dried oil sludge containing PAC can accelerate its microwave heat treatment process. This means that char as microwave absorber is a save energy way for treating half-dried oil sludge containing PAC with mi-crowave heat, and that the half-dried oil sludge containing PAC can be treated with microwave heat technology for harmless, resource and less residues.
Key words:  half-dried  oil sludge containing PAC  microwave heat treatment  microwave pyrolysis  microwave absorber  microwave burning scraps