引用本文:王豪,吴雁,贾艳秋,唐晓东,钟婷. 负载型镁铝水滑石催化酯交换合成生物柴油[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(5): 406-410,367.
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王豪1, 吴雁1, 贾艳秋2, 唐晓东, 钟婷
关键词:  镁铝水滑石  负载型  催化剂  酯交换  生物柴油
Preparation of Biodiesel by Transesterification over Mg-Al Hydrolcite Supported Catalyst
Wang Hao1, Wu Yan1, Jia Yanqiu2
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan;2.China Petroleum Tuha Oil Field Company,Shanshan 838202,Xinjiang
A carbonate pillared magnesium aluminum hydrotalcite is synthesized via co-precipitation method.The hydrotalcite is used as support to load K2CO3 to prepare a series supported catalysts for synthesis biodiesel by the transesterification of rapeseed oil and methanol.The catalytic activity of the unsupported hydrotalcite catalysts before and after calcination and the supported hydrotalcite catalysts containing different K2CO3 contents is studied.Moreover,the crystal structure of the hydrotalcite and catalysts is characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD).It is shown that the increased basic property and catalytic activity of the hydrotalcite supported catalysts are attributed to the new K-O-Al and Mg-O-K species produced by the interaction between support and K2CO3.Effects of K2CO3 loadings and transesterification conditions are also investigated.It is found that the catalyst loaded with 25%(wt) K2CO3 has high activity and the conversion rate of rapeseed oil can reach 99% under the conditions of catalyst amount 2%(wt),methanol/oil molar ratio 12:1,reaction temperature 60℃ and reaction time 1.5 h.
Key words:  Mg-Al hydrotalcite  supported  catalyst  transesterification  biodiesel