引用本文:黎小辉,朱建华,郝代军. 液化石油气芳构化反应体系的热力学分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 465-469,482,459.
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黎小辉1, 朱建华1, 郝代军2
关键词:  液化石油气  芳构化  热力学分析
Thermodynamic Analysis on the Aromatization of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Li Xiaohui1, Zhu Jianhua1, Hao Daijun2
1.Faculty of Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249;2.SINOPEC Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation,Luoyang 471003,Henan,China
There exists greatly significance to improve the utilization and economy efficiency by using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to produce aromatics. In the developing of technology of LPG aromatization,at first,it is necessary to complete the thermodynamic analysis on the complex reacting system of LPG aromatization. In this paper,the number of independent reactions and a set of independent reactions for LPG aromatization reacting system were determined by means of atomic coefficient matrix approach. Based on thermodynamic knowledge,the Gibbs free energy change,equilibrium constants of each independent reaction and the equilibrium compositions of the reacting system for specified initial composition,were calculated under the different conditions. Therefore,the possibility of each independent reaction could be judged under the specified conditions. The thermodynamic analysis results could provide a theoretical guidance for the design,operation of reactor as well as the determination of proper conditions for the LPG aromatization reacting system.
Key words:  LPG  aromatization  thermodynamic analysis