引用本文:黄路,叶青. 异丙醚-异丙醇-水三元共沸物的Aspen Plus分离模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 472-474,486,459.
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异丙醚-异丙醇-水三元共沸物的Aspen Plus分离模拟
黄路, 叶青
以乙二醇为溶剂,使用Aspen Plus化工模拟软件中的BatchFrac模块,基于UNIFAC模型,对异丙醚-异丙醇-水三元共沸物的间歇萃取精馏过程进行间歇萃取精馏模拟,研究了不同操作参数(如溶剂比、回流比、溶剂进料位置、溶剂进料温度等)对整个精馏过程的影响,对各工艺参数进行了分析与优化。结果 表明,对于处理量为100kmol的异丙醚-异丙醇-水溶液,精馏塔具有16块塔板时,溶剂进料位置在第3块塔板,溶剂进料温度为60℃,异丙醚收集阶段回流比为5,溶剂比为1.72∶1,异丙醇收集阶段回流比为5,溶剂比为0.63∶1,塔顶异丙醚质量分数可达0.996,异丙醇质量分数可达0.978。
关键词:  间歇萃取精馏  异丙醚  异丙醇  乙二醇  模拟  优化
Simulation of Batch Extractive Distillation on Separation Ether-Isopropanol-Water Azeotropic System
Huang Lu, Ye Qing
Changzhou University,Chemical Engineering Institute,Changzhou 213016,Jiangsu
Batch extractive distillation for ether-isopropanol-water mixture was simulated and optimized. Simulation of batch extractive distillation was executed by Batch Frac module of Aspen Plus simulation software,based on UNIFAC model,glycol as the extractant. The effect on the process of different operation parameters was also studied,such as stage numbers,solvent ratio,mole reflux ratio,solvent feeding location,and solvent feeding temperature. That is,sensitivity analysis was also performed to optimize the operation parameters. The simulation results showed that it was possible to separate ether-isopropanol-water azeotropic mixture by batch extractive distillation using glycol as extractant. When ether-isopropanol-water azeotropic mixture was 100 kmol and stage numbers of extractive distillation column was 16,solvent feeding location was 3,solvent feeding temperature was 60℃,mole reflux ratio was 5 and solvent ratio was 1.72∶1 in the step of isopropyl ether collection,mole reflux ratio was 5 and solvent ratio was 0.63∶1 in the step of isopropanol collection,the mass fraction of isopropyl ether and isopropanol at the column top could reach 0.996 and 0.978 respectively. The results of simulation and optimization supply certain guidance for the deep application of batch extractive distillation in industry.
Key words:  batch extractive distillation  isopropyl ether  isopropanol  glycol  simulation  optimum