引用本文:江涛,唐晓东,赖先熔,乔卫领,苏旭. 汽油络合萃取脱硫实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 498-501,461.
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江涛1, 唐晓东2, 赖先熔2, 乔卫领, 苏旭
关键词:  汽油  络合萃取剂  络合  萃取  脱硫
Study on Desulfurization of Gasoline by Complexation Extraction
Jiang Tao1, Tang Xiaodong2, Lai Xianrong2
1.PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company,Hami 839009,Xinjiang,China;2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China
The desulfurization effect of self-made complexation extraction agent (TS-1) is investigated. When extraction temperature is 20℃,extraction time is 3 minutes,phase separation time is 15 minutes and volume ratio of TS-1 to gasoline is 9%,the content of sulfide in FCC gasoline A drops from 619μg/g to 136μg/g,meeting the state Ⅲ of gasoline sulfur content standard (<150μg/g). The yield of gasoline A is 99.5%. Removal of sulfide from FCC gasoline B,straight-run gasoline C and natural gasoline D with TS-1 are researched too. Under the best operation conditions,the three types of gasoline can achieve a high desulfurization rate with a little amount of TS-1. Therefore,TS-1 in the experiment shows high selectivity of sulfide,small ratio of extractant to gasoline,high yield and good desulfurization adaptability to gasoline. It is a promising desulfurization complexation extraction agent in the field of deep desulfurization of gasoline.
Key words:  gasoline  complexation extraction agent  complexation  extraction  desulfurization