引用本文:刘义刚,唐洪明,陈华兴,张健,向问陶,高建崇. 聚驱油田产出聚合物对注入水水质的影响实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 63-65,69,10.
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刘义刚1,2, 唐洪明2, 陈华兴3, 张健, 向问陶, 高建崇
关键词:  产出聚合物  注入水  水质指标  实验
Experiment Study on the Impact of Injection Water Quality Index by Residual Polymer from Polymer Flooding Oilfield
Liu Yigang1,2, Tang Hongming2, Chen Huaxing3
1.Tianjin Branch of CNOOC China Limited,Tanggu 300452,Tianjin;2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan;3.CNOOC Energy Technology & Service-Oilfield Engineering Research Institute,Tanggu 300452,Tianjin
Taking advantage of the conventional waterquality analysis methods,the paper analyzes the residual polymer of water,combined with atomic force microscopy,environmental scanning electron microscopy micro-analytical tools,displays the morphology of membrane suspensions. The results showed that the residual polymer in water exists in the form of flocculation or parcels of fine suspended matter,which makes the content of suspended solids increased significantly. For the presence of water emulsion layer,oil content measured result is lower,meanwhile the residual polymer increased the rate of the water scaling and corrosion rate,the higher the concentration of residual polymer is,the more obvious quality change of injection wateris.
Key words:  residual polymer  injection water  waterquality index  experiment study