引用本文:荣新明,葛际江,张贵才,刘晓玲. 新型氨基亚甲基膦酸盐的合成及防垢性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 74-78,11.
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荣新明, 葛际江, 张贵才, 刘晓玲
合成了十二胺基二亚甲基膦酸盐(DAMP)、十八胺基二亚甲基膦酸盐(OAMP)和二辛胺基亚甲基膦酸盐(DOAMP)三种有机膦酸盐,考察了影响DAMP有机膦收率的因素,确定了理想的反应条件:甲醛/十二胺摩尔比2.5、亚磷酸/十二胺摩尔比3.5、反应温度105℃、反应时间3.5 h、加水量15 mL、盐酸加入量5 mL。利用红外光谱与核磁共振对合成产物结构进行了表征分析。对其防垢性能进行了测定,其中DAMP和OAMP在浓度为10 mg/L时,对硫酸钙的防垢率分别为97.373%和92.078%。
关键词:  氨基亚甲基膦酸盐  合成  红外光谱  核磁共振  防垢性能
Synthesis and Scale Inhibition Performance of a New Amino Dimethylene Phosphonate
Rong Xinming, Ge Jijiang, Zhang Guicai
Petroleum Engineering College,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,China
Three kind of organic phosphonates were synthesized,including dodecyl-amino dimethylene phos-phonate (DAMP),octadecyl-amino dimethylene phospho-nate (OAMP),and dioctyl-amino dimethylene phosphonate (DOAMP). The influential factors on organophosphorus recovery of DAMP were investigated and the ideal reaction conditions were determined:the molar ratio of formal-dehyde to laurylamine was 2.5 and phosphorous acid tolaurylamine was 3. 5,at a reaction temperature of 105℃ anda reaction time of 3. 5h,the added amount of water was 15mL and chlorhydric acid was 5mL. The structure of synthetic products were characterised and analyzed through IRspectroscopy and NMR spectroscopy. In additional,thescale inhibition performance of these synthetic products were measured,and the anti-scaling rate to calcium sulfate with DAMP and OAMP concentration of 10mg/L are 97.373% and 92.078% respectively.
Key words:  amino dimethylene phosphonate  synthesis  IR spectroscopy  NMR spectroscopy  scale inhibition performance