引用本文:黄黎明. 锐意进取 开创科技发展新局面 继往开来 建设一流特色天研院[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 109-115,97.
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锐意进取 开创科技发展新局面 继往开来 建设一流特色天研院
关键词:  天然气研究院  天然气分析测试  腐蚀与防护  天然气处理  油气田化学  油气田地面工程  高含硫气田开发  天然气能量计量
Forge ahead, Create the New Situation of Science Technology Development/Carry forward the Past and Create the Future,Construct the First—Class Features Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology
Huang Liming
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technoiogy,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology(RINGT) is a comprehensive research institute, engaging in naturalgas analysis and testing, corrosion and protection, gas treating, ap-plication technology of oil & gas field chemicals and new technolo-gies researches for oil—gas field surface engineering. Remarka blesuccess and breakthroughs in the new technology development of fivemaior technical areas were scored in 2010, which provids powerfultechnical support and ensurance for the main business development of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company. RINGT will takeintensive measures on tackling key problems in science and technolo-gy, application and extension of new technologies, break through of some key technologies and increasing the capacity for independent in-novation in 2011, the purpose of all these is to effectively promotethe technological progress on the five dominant technical areas.
Key words:  Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology  natural gas analysis and testing  corrosion and protection  naturalgas treating  oil and gas field chemicals  oil—gas field surface engi-neering  high sulfur gas field development  natural gas energy measurement