引用本文:孙始财,业渝光,刘昌岭,魏伟,赵宁,相凤奎,等. 甲烷水合物在石英砂中生成过程研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 123-127,98.
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孙始财1,2,3, 业渝光2, 刘昌岭2, 魏伟, 赵宁, 相凤奎, 马燕
在初始压力Pin=13.0 MPa±0.2 MPa,过冷度Tsup=14.2 K±0.1 K条件下,研究了7种不同粒径石英砂中甲烷水合物生成诱导期、生成时间以及孔隙水"记忆效应"的影响。结果 显示,石英砂中诱导期较纯水中明显缩短;石英砂粒径减小,诱导期变长。孔隙水"记忆效应"极大缩短甲烷水合物诱导期,并表现出随机性。石英砂中甲烷水合物生成时间与石英砂粒径、孔隙水"记忆效应"的关系与诱导期类似。分析认为石英砂颗粒提供更多成核中心,而孔隙减小阻碍了甲烷的扩散。
关键词:  甲烷水合物  石英砂  诱导期  生成时间  记忆效应
Research of Methane Hydrate Formation Process in QuartzSand
Sun Shicai1,2,3, Ye Yuguang2, Liu Changling2
1.Col-lege of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Shandong University otScience and Technology, Qingdao 266510, Shandong, China;2.Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, Shandong,China;3.State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute otCoal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001,Shanxi,China
The induction time, formation time and pore water"memory effect" of methane hydrate were investigated in sevenkinds of quartz sand with different particle sizes under initial pressurePin=13.0±0.2 MPa with supercooling degree Tsup= 14.2 ± 0. 1K.The results show that the induction time reduces significantly thanthat in bulk water, and the induction time increases with the de-crease of particle size. Also, the induction time is greatly reducedwhen subjected to pore water "memory effect" and the results arerandom. The influences of particle size and pore water"memoryeffect" on formation time of methane hydrate are similar to those oninduction time. The quartz sand particles provide more nucleationcores, while methane diffusion is hindered by small pore size.
Key words:  methane hydrate  quartz sand  induction time  memory effect