引用本文:黄贵存,马飞,李洪波,孙勇. 超高温压裂液配方体系研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 186-189,101.
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黄贵存, 马飞, 李洪波, 孙勇
川西地区部分油气储层埋藏深(7000 m左右)、地层温度高(160℃以上),要求压裂液体系具有良好的耐温耐剪切性能。通过优选对压裂液耐温耐剪切性能影响较大的添加剂,并完成相关评价,形成了可以满足160℃和180℃储层施工的超高温压裂液体系。该配方体系在160℃和180℃分别连续剪切120 min之后,粘度仍然可以保持在100 mPa.s以上,满足了超深井压裂改造的需要,填补了川西地区超高温压裂液的空白。
关键词:  超高温  超深井  复合交联剂  超高温稠化剂
Research on the Ultra—High Temperature Fracturing Fluid Formula System
Huang Guicun, Ma Fei, Li Hongbo
Engineering Technology Institute of South West Petroleum Branch, Sinopec
Some reservoirs in western Sichuan are deeply buried about 7000m, the temperatures are higher than 160°C, which require that fracturing fluid system has a good temperature and shearing resistance. By optimizing and evaluating the additive which have a significant impact on the temperature and shearing resistance of fracturing fluid, ultra—high temperature fracturing fluid system is formed which can withstand 160°C and 180°C reservoir operation.This formulation can keep enough viscosity above 100mPa. s after it has been sheared for 120 minutes at 160°C and 180°C. This system can meet the requirement of super—deep fracturing well, and fill in the blanks of ultra—high temperature fracturing fluid in western Sichuan.
Key words:  ultra—high temperature  ultra—deep well  compound crosslinking agent  ultra—high temperature thickener