引用本文:杨佰娟,郑立,张魁英,崔志松,王小如,黎先春. TLC/FID分析原油SARA组成方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 201-203,222,101.
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杨佰娟1, 郑立1, 张魁英1,2, 崔志松, 王小如, 黎先春
关键词:  SARA族组分  原油  TLC/FID分析
Study on SARA Composition of Crude Oil by TLC/FID
Yang Baijuan1, Zheng Li1, Zhang Kuiying1,2
1.Research Center for Marine Ecology, the First Institute of Oceanography,SOA, Qingdao 266061, Shandong, China;2.College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China
TLC/FID has been used as a rapid and inexpensive way to determine SARA fractions (saturate, aromatic, resin, asphaltene) in crude oils. In this study, SARA analysis was accomplished on an IATROSCAN MK—6s system using silica gel rods. The oil samples from Bohai sea were applied on thin rod of SG which was then separated in typical TLC procedures. The effects of various operational parameters such as times of separation, TLC/FID Chromarod Drying and TLC/FID Chromarod Mass Loading were systematically studied. The precisions of four peak area measurements were found to be better than 3.54%(R. S. D. , n=5). The reproducibility (R. S. D.) of the proposed method, on the basis of peak areas forfive replicate injections, was 3.23%. The TLC—FID technique can produce quantitative measurements of each of the four petroleum fractions which has proven to be a rapid, convenient, and reliable semi—quantitative characterization technique for petroleum compounds. At last, crude oils from different field samples have been analyzed by TLC/FID.
Key words:  SARA composition  crude oil  TLC/FID analysis