引用本文:顾亚雄,钟成千,许方华,李军. 井场硫化氢动态监测系统设计及研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 322-324,328,222.
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顾亚雄1, 钟成千2, 许方华1, 李军
关键词:  井场安全  硫化氢  动态监测  虚拟仪器
Design & Research on a Dynamic Monitoring System of H2S at Petroleum and Natural Gas Well Site
Gu Yaxiong1, Zhong Chengqian2, Xu Fanghua1
1.School of Electronic Information Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2.Southwest Oilfield Engineering Services Company of Sino-PEC, Mianyang 621000, China
To meet the requirement of safety production for petroleum and natural gas well site, a detailed description is made about the design scheme and the software & hardware design process of a H2S monitoring system in this paper. Mature microcontroller technology and virtual instrument technology was used in the monitoring system. The mixed signal processor MSP430F149 was used as a field control device. Through the expanded peripheral signal regu- late circuit, flash data storage, RS485 interface chip and the corresponding H2S monitoring probe, then transmitting the received data to the host computer, multiple H2S concentration real-time monitoring and alarm function were achieved in well site. The research is of practical significance in pro moting safety guarantee of petroleum and natural gas pro duction fields.
Key words:  well site security  H2S  dynamic monitoring  virtual instrument