引用本文:吴华,邹德永,何义忠,张东艳,董超. 醇盐混合溶液中天然气水合物的形成[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(4): 332-336,323.
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吴华1, 邹德永2, 何义忠3, 张东艳, 董超
在油气田生产、运输和钻井过程中,容易生成天然气水合物堵塞井筒、管线、阀门和设备,因此,研究盐离子和醇混合体系中水合物的生成条件非常必要。本文应用扩展的UNIQUAC模型,考虑了离子间的"长程"作用及溶剂分子间的"短程"相互作用,计算富水相中水的活度,并应用Van der Waals-Platteeuw模型来预测醇盐混合体系中水合物生成条件,计算结果与实验数据吻合较好,从而为水合物的现场预防提供了科学的依据。
关键词:  醇盐混合体系  活度系数  天然气水合物  生成条件
Natural Gas Hydrate Forming Conditions in Rich Water
Wu Hua1, Zou Deyong2, He Yizhong3
1.Oil Production Technology Institute of Dagang Oil Field,Tianjing 300280,China;2.College of Petroleum Engineering,University of Petroleum of China,Dongying 257061,Shandong;3.No.1 Drilling Engineering Company,BHDC,Tianjing 300280,China
The formation of natural gas hydrate may block the transportation tube or the wellbore during the oil and gas production,transportation or drilling operation.It is necessary to take the salts and alcohol mixing systems into account if we calculate the forming conditions of the natural gas hydrate.In this paper,considering the interaction of ions and solvents,the water activity is calculated with extensional UNIQUAC model,and the forming conditions of gas hydrate in rich water are predicted by Van der Waals-Platteeuw model.The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data,so it can offer reference for inhibition of gas hydrate in-situ.
Key words:  rich water  water activity  natural gas hydrate  forming conditions