引用本文:巫明娟,赵东风,戚丽霞,薛建良. 石化企业卫生防护距离的合理性设置[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(4): 419-423,328.
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巫明娟1, 赵东风1,2, 戚丽霞2, 薛建良
针对目前石化企业计算卫生防护距离的标准和方法存在一定局限和不足的现状,将其与新大气导则提出的大气环境防护距离相比较,分析二者在计算原理和执行等方面的区别,并以某化肥厂为例,选择NH3作为特征污染物分别计算其卫生防护距离和大气环境防护距离。结果 表明,标准法和公式法计算的卫生防护距离分别为600m和400m,大气环境防护距离计算模式得出的距离为450m。根据AERMOD模型计算三个距离处NH3的理论浓度值,得出最佳的卫生防护距离为450m。通过现场监测验证设置450m的卫生防护距离是合理的。在现阶段的环评工作中,充分考虑各个标准方法的适用性和局限性,对各个标准计算的结果进行比较,根据项目的实际情况确定项目合理的卫生防护距离。
关键词:  卫生防护距离  大气环境防护距离  SCREEN3模型
Reasonable Setting of Health Protection Zone in Petrochemical Enterprises
Wu Mingjuan1, Zhao Dongfeng1,2, Qi Lixia2
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,Shandong;2.Qingdao Oasis Environment & Safety Technology Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266555,Shandong
For the phenomenon that currently the calculations of the health protection zone and the atmospheric environment protection zone co-existed in petrochemical enterprises,this paper compared their calculation methods,principles implementation etc.,and analyzed the deficiencies and limitations of the standards for both zone’s calculations.With a fertilizer plant for example,and choosing NH3 as the characteristic pollutants,the health protection zone and atmospheric environment protection zone was calculated respectively in this paper.The result showed that the health protection zone was 600 m calculated by the standard method and 400 m by the formula method.However,the health protection zone was 450 m calculated by the atmospheric environment protection zone calculation model.Based on the theory concentration of NH3 which were calculated by AERMOD model in three zones,the optimum health protection zone should be 450 m.It was verified by on-site monitoring data that the reasonable protective zone was 450 m.It is more scientific and reasonable to calculate the health protection zone by atmospheric environment protection zone calculation model for petrochemical enterprises.
Key words:  health protection zone  atmospheric environment protection zone  SCREEN3 model