引用本文:季洪海,凌凤香,沈智奇,王少军. 胶溶剂用量对氧化铝载体物化性质的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 437-439,447,427.
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季洪海, 凌凤香, 沈智奇, 王少军
关键词:  胶溶剂  氧化铝  载体
Effect of Peptizator Amount on Alumina Support Physicochemical Properties
Ji Honghai, Ling Fengxiang
Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals,China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(SINOPEC),Fushun 113001,China
Using acetic acid as peptizator,the influence of peptizator amount on the physicochemical properties of alumina support,such as pore structures,crush strength and surface acidity,were studied during alumina supports preparation.The results show that peptizator amount have small effect on the surface area of alumina support.The pore volume,average pore size and the most probable pore size decreased with the increasing of peptizator amount.It had been discovered from pore size distribution that the numbers of pore more than 20nm decreased and pore less than 10nm increased with the increase of peptizator amount.The Lewis acidity amount of alumina support decreased distinctly when peptizator had been added into alumina support,and it decreased slowly with the increase of peptizator amount.Because of the adding of peptizator,the size and stacking mode of agglomerates in alumina support were changed and the number of coordinatively unsaturated surface tetrahedral sites Aluminum(Al) atoms was altered.Then the physicochemical properties of alumina support are changed.
Key words:  peptizator  alumina  support