引用本文:郭小安,张德龙,龚文武,刘春岩,盖敬民. 延迟焦化装置焦炭塔挥发线结焦原因及预防措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 451-455,428.
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郭小安, 张德龙, 龚文武, 刘春岩, 盖敬民
针对大庆石化公司炼油厂120×104 t/a延迟焦化装置焦炭塔顶因挥发线结焦而使塔顶压力持续升高的问题进行了分析和预测。对本装置各种操作条件进行了标定,标定结果表明,加热炉出口温度越高、装置处理量越小、不掺炼催化油浆、注入消泡剂等措施实施后,降低了焦炭塔泡沫层的高度,以减缓焦炭塔挥发线结焦速度,对实现装置长周期运行提供了有力保障。
关键词:  焦炭塔  挥发线  结焦  泡沫层  标定
Coking Causes and Prevention Measures of Coke Tower Volatile Lines in Delayed Coking Unit
Guo Xiaoan, Zhang Delong, Gong Wenwu
PetroChina Daqing Petrochemical Company Refinery Delayed Coking Workshop,Daqing 163711,Heilongjiang
Analysis and forecasting were made in this paper aiming at the problem of top pressure of coke tower of 1200×103t/a delayed coking unit in the refinery of Daqing Petrochemical Company rises continuously causing by volatile lines coking.Various operation conditions of the unit are calibrated,the results show that the higher the furnace outlet temperature,the smaller processing capacity of the unit,After taking a series of measures such as stopping blending with FCC slurry oil,injecting defoamer and so on,the height of foam layer in coke tower was decreased so as to slow down the coking rate of the volatile lines,which provides a strong guarantee for long-term operation of the unit.
Key words:  coke tower  volatility line  coking  foam layer  calibration