引用本文:李树刚,孙中磊,魏振吉. 钻井液除硫剂吸收硫化氢动态评价方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 490-493,503,430.
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李树刚1, 孙中磊2, 魏振吉3
针对现有钻井液中硫化氢吸收剂的室内评价效果与现场使用效果差异较大的问题,设计制作了钻井液吸收硫化氢动态模拟实验装置。实验确定了装置的工艺参数:钻井液配备量为80L,气体进口压力范围0.05MPa~0.5MPa,气液分离器操作液位为分离器锥体上部79cm~93cm、分离器锥体下部26cm~31cm,串联式尾气吸收装置吸收级数为5级,泵的出口排量为0m3/h~1.0m3/h,在此基础上动态评价了硫化氢吸收剂的吸收效果。结果 表明:当硫化氢气侵钻井液速度为8g/min,钻井液循环时间为35min,硫化氢通入量在40g~280g时,含不同硫吸收剂的钻井液对硫化氢的平均吸收率为:1#为26%,2#为66%,3#为79%,4#为90%。
关键词:  钻井液  硫化氢  除硫剂  气侵  动态评价
Study on Dynamic Evaluation Method of Desulphurization Agent in Drilling Fluid
Li Shugang1, Sun Zhonglei2, Wei Zhenji3
1.CNOOC Bohai Sea Energy Development Oil Engineering Company Building,Tianjin 300452;2.Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.,Ltd.International Engineering Company,Chengdu 610051,Sichuan;3.China United Coalbed Methane National Engineering Research Center Co.,Ltd.Beijing 100095,China
Aimed at the big difference between laboratory evaluation and field application of desulfurization agent in drilling fluid,a dynamics simulation test device of drilling fluid desulphurization has been developed.The process parameters of the device has been determined as follows: the drilling fluid volume: 80 L;operation pressure of inlet gas: 0.05MPa ~0.5MPa;gas-liquid separator operating level: cone separator top 79cm~93cm,cone separator bottom 26cm~31cm;5-level serial type absorption device of tail gas;the output volume of pump discharge: 0~1.0m3/h.On the basis,the effect of desulfurization agent in drilling fluid has been evaluated.The result shows: when the hydrogen sulfide gas invasion speed :8g/min,drilling fluid circulation time: 35min,the volume of hydrogen sulfide: 40g~280g,the average absorption rate of hydrogen sulfide is as follows: 1#,26%;2#,66%;3#,79%;4#,90%.
Key words:  drilling fluids  hydrogen sulfide  desulphurization agent  gas invasion  dynamic evaluation