引用本文:党延磊,胡俊,李维维,陈元强,朱彦伟,韩妍梅. 户部寨气田泡沫钻井废水处理技术的优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 535-538,432.
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党延磊1, 胡俊1, 李维维2, 陈元强, 朱彦伟, 韩妍梅
采用消泡破乳-生物降解-破胶絮凝-活性炭吸附的集成技术对泡沫钻井废水进行了室内实验研究和部17-1井的现场试验。结果 表明,COD值为4 057mg/L、含油量>276mg/L、悬浮物(SS)为3 680mg/L、总铬为5.855mg/L、pH值为9.5的超标废水经过新工艺处理后,废水指标均达到了GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》规定的A1级水质标准。通过改进工艺流程和优化处理剂配方,可以有效提高泡沫钻井废水中有害物质的絮凝速度,大幅度降低悬浮物、石油类、有机质及重金属的含量。
关键词:  絮凝  悬浮物  泡沫钻井液  废水处理  有害物质
Technology Optimization of the Foam Drilling Waste Water Treatment of Hubuzhai Gasfield
Dang Yanlei1, Hu Jun1, Li Weiwei2
1.Natural Gas Production and Sales Plant,Zhongyuan Oilfield Company,SINOPEC,Puyang 457001,Henan;2.Natural Gas Treatment Plant,Zhongyuan Oilfield Company,SINOPEC,Puyang 457001,Henan
Laboratory experimental studies and field tests in well B17-1 were conducted for advanced treatment of foam drilling fluid by using breaking of emulsion and foam-biodegradation-breakdown with coagulation-active carbon adsorption.The results show that when the exceed standard waste water(COD value 4057 mg/L,average oil content >276mg/L,SS value 3680 mg/L,total Cr value 5.855 mg/L and pH value 9.5) was disposed by new technology,which is satisfied with the A1 level of GB 8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.Through improving technological process and optimizing the treatment agent formula,the coagulation rate of harmful matter in drilling waste water is improved effectively,and the content of suspended solids,petroleum,organic matter and heavy metal are greatly reduced.
Key words:  coagulation  suspended solids  foam drilling fluid  the disposed waste water  harmful matter