引用本文:任连岭,熊春华,杨冰,孙越鹏. 汽油的化学组成与理化性质的定量关系研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 620-624,541.
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任连岭1, 熊春华1, 杨冰2, 孙越鹏
关键词:  汽油  烃族组成  GC/MS  逐步线性回归  相关分析
Research on Chemical Composition-Property Quantitative Relation of Gasoline
Ren Lianling1, Xiong Chunhua1, Yang Bing2
1.Petrol-Oil and Lubricants Research Institute of General Logistics Department,PLA,Beijing 102300,China;2.Oil Bureau of Nanjing Military Region,PLA,Nanjing 210016,Jiangsu,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp620~624,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
37 gasoline blending components and hydrocarbons composition of refined oil are analyzed by GC/MS,including nalkane,isoparaffin,naphthenic hydrocarbon,aromatic hydrocarbon,isoolefine,normal olefin,cyclic olefins,diolefin.The author adopts correlational analysis method to investigate the relativity between hydrocarbon substance and gasoline property;adopts stepwise linear regression method to establish a regression model of property and hydrocarbons composition;and determine the main hydrocarbon substance which exerts influence on the property according to the regression model: aromatic hydrocarbon influences the octane number,10% vaporization temperature,50% vaporization temperature,density and chroma most;olefin,especially the isoolefine and normal olefin,influence 90% vaporization temperature,acidity,colloid,induction period,iodine value and saturated steam pressure most.F test result shows that the regression model is obvious and it can provide reference for predicting the quality of gasoline.
Key words:  gasoline  hydrocarbon composition  GC/MS  stepwise linear regression method  correlation analysis