引用本文:贾剑平,严忠,黄连华,张茂盛,蔚立军,任定益. 新型注水用杀菌剂的研制与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 646-650,542.
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贾剑平1, 严忠2, 黄连华2, 张茂盛, 蔚立军, 任定益
关键词:  杀菌剂  杀菌效果  新疆油田
Development and Application of Novel Fungicides for Water Injection
Jia Jianping1, Yan Zhong2, Huang Lianhua2
1.Sanda Limited Liability Company of Karamay City,Xinjiang,China;2.Exploration and Development Research Institute of Xinjiang Oilfield Company).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp646~650,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
The injection water for the desert oil field is clean water,and the water quality at the wellhead can’t meet the water quality standard.Through the quality tracking detection of injection water from Xinjiang oilfield——Shinan 4 oilfield and Mobei oilfield respectively,a novel fungicide HT/SJJ-01 was researched and developed.The fungicide makes use of the synergistic effect of multi-component pharmaceutical synergies,so that its performance has been significantly improved.The injection water of the oil transfer station in Mobei oilfield had been tested for one month.The results showed that the water quality was stable during the whole test process,the water quality after treated is more better than that of before the pilot test and does not appear the second pollution phenomenon,which can ensure that the bacteria content of injection wells meets the requirements of Injection Water Quality Standard of Mobei Oilfield.
Key words:  water  bactericidal effect  environmental protection  reaching the standard at the wellhead