引用本文:钱治家. 探索富有特色的海外天然气生产运行总承包管理模式[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(S1): 1-5,7.
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土库曼斯坦阿姆河右岸天然气合作项目是中石油最大规模的海外天然气开发项目,2009年12月14日投产至今累计向国内输送73×108 m3优质天然气。西南油气田公司按生产运行总承包合同方式提供对口支撑,为项目提供技术支持、生产运行管理、抢维修、生产物资保障等服务。面临资源国保障不足、物质资源匮乏、签证形势多变、气候环境恶劣等困难,采取积极有效的应对措施:①提前介入,发挥技术对口支撑作用,及时优化设计、会商建设中的重大技术难题;②精心准备、平稳高效,实现31口井、4列天然气净化装置、3座集输场站、2台大功率压缩机组投产成功,确保四国元首庆典和装置一次性开车成功;③优化运行、快速处置、跟踪管理,确保装置"安、稳、长、满、优"运行700天;④发挥西南油气田公司国内技术支持、物资供应保障,生产运行完整性管理,酸性气田开发安全环保基础性工作、团队执行力等各方面的优势,创造了一流的管理业绩;⑤搭建中土能源合作和文化交流的平台,创建中土融合式管理模式,推进项目运行本土化战略,不断提高融合式团队管理水平。率先探索建设海外管理示范区的经验,用高效、平稳、安全的管理业绩彰显中国石油高含硫天然气开发技术与管理的水平,创造性探索适应资源国监管的海外天然气生产运行总承包管理模式。
关键词:  土库曼斯坦  阿姆河  生产运行管理  特色模式
Exploring the Characteristic EPC Mode of Overseas Natural Gas Production and Operation
Qian Zhijia
Qian Zhijia(PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
The Turkmenistan Amudarya gas cooperation project is the largest overseas project of oil and natural gas development of CNPC.The accumulated 7.3×109m3 natural gas was transported so far back to China from the date of Celebration ceremony of the production on December 14th,2009.In accordance with production running general contract Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company provides technical support,operation management,maintenance and rush repair,supply services,etc.Under the difficult condition of resource ensuring,lack of materials,entry visa,bad climate and others,the corresponding measures were taken:(1) early intervene,and one to one technical supporting,optimizing design on time;(2) elaborate preparation,31 wells,4 natural gas purification devices,3 gathering stations,2 high-power compressor units were successfully put into operation,and ensured that the celebration ceremony was hold on time in which four heads of countries were on the scene;(3) ensure that the installation safety,stable,long term full loading and optimum being running for 700 days,the measures of optimal operation,rapid response,tracking and management were taken;(4) put forth the company internal technology advantages in the respects of material supply,production and operation integrity management,sour gas fields development,safety and environmental protection foundation superiority,the implementation force of the team,etc.to create first-class management performance;(5) build the energy cooperation and cultural exchange platform between China and Turkmenistan;create integrated management mode;advance the project operation of localization strategy;and continuously improve the team management level.In this way,this project plays the lead role in establishing overseas management demonstration area,with the high efficiency,stable,safe management performance level of high sour natural gas development of CNPC,creatively explored overseas natural gas production and operation of EPC mode which accommodate the resource country’s supervision.
Key words:  Turkmenistan  Amudarya  EPC  overseas natural gas production and operation  high sour natural gas