引用本文:王明泉,肖启强,谢强,欧海,余洋. 阿姆河净化天然气外输站燃气轮机驱动离心式压缩机运行分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(S1): 30-34,8.
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王明泉, 肖启强, 谢强, 欧海, 余洋
中国石油(土库曼斯坦)阿姆河公司净化气外输站是阿姆河右岸合同区年输130×108 m3天然气出口交接场站,站内安装的单台年处理50×108 m3燃气轮机驱动离心式压缩机是站内的核心设备,主要是将上游净化后的天然气增压计量后输送至中亚天然气管线。从该机组设计、运行、故障等方面,总结并分析了燃气轮机驱动离心式压缩机实际运行中的技术性能、特点,提出了合理的运行方案并实施,取得了一定的成效。
关键词:  净化气外输站  燃气轮机  离心式压缩机  运行分析
Operation Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor Driven by Gas Turbine in the Purified Gas Transmission Station of CNPC International(Turkmenistan)
Wang Mingquan, Xiao Qiqiang, Xie Qiang
Amudarya Natural Gas Development Project Department,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
CNPC International(Turkmenistan) purified gas transmission station,located on the right bank of Amudarya in Turkmenistan,is the natural gas export transfer station,which produces 13×109 m3 of natural gas every year.In the station,the centrifugal compressor driven by gas turbine,which can deal with 5×109 m3/a of natural gas,is a core equipment that mainly undertakes to pressurize and measure upstream purified natural gas and transport the gas to Central Asian natural gas pipeline.According to the unit design,operation,faults,etc.,the technical performance and features of the centrifugal compressor driven by gas turbine in actual operation are summarized and analyzed.Reasonable operation schedule is put forward and implemented which has obtained phasic achivements.
Key words:  purified gas transmission station  gas turbine  centrifugal compressor  operation analysis