引用本文:王剑,张强,叶波. 紧急停车-集散控制系统(ESD/DCS)在阿姆河处理厂的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(S1): 40-44,9.
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王剑, 张强, 叶波
在天然气处理领域中,紧急停车-集散控制系统(ESD/DCS)是一种安全、可靠、先进的生产管理与控制技术。土库曼斯坦阿姆河右岸"巴格德雷合同区"主力气田——萨曼杰佩气田为高含硫高产凝析油气田,年产天然气50×108 m3~60×108 m3。针对该气田原料气组分复杂、生产装置众多、工艺齐全、处理量大等特点,第一天然气处理厂天然气净化工艺控制过程采用集散控制系统(DCS-Distributed Control System)和紧急停车系统(ESD-Emergency Shutdown Device),实现了天然气净化装置的安全、可靠生产,符合节能及环保设计要求,其设计思路与工艺控制过程具有先进性。
关键词:  紧急停车  集散控制  联锁
Application of the Emergency Shutdown-Distributed Control System(ESDDCS) in No.1 Natural Gas Processing Plant of CNPC International(Turkmenistan)
Wang Jian, Zhang Qiang, Ye Bo
Amudarya Natural Gas Development Project Department,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
The Emergency Shutdown-Distributed Control System(ESDDCS) is a safe,reliable,advanced production management and control technique in natural gas treating field.Located on the right bank of Amudarya in Turkmenistan,Samandepe gas field of Bagtiyarlyk Contract Area is a main gas field with high sulfur content,it is a productive condensate gas field with an annual natural gas output of 5×109 m3~6×109 m3.According to the characteristics of complex composition in raw natural gas,large numbers of production equipment,complete production process and large quantity output,the natural gas purification process adopts Distributed Control System(DCS) and Emergency Shutdown Device(ESD),and achieves requirements for safety,reliability,energy saving and environmental protection.The design and process control are of advancements in this field.
Key words:  emergency shutdown  distributed control  interlocking