引用本文:裴爱霞,张立胜,于艳秋,刘正军. 高含硫天然气脱硫脱碳工艺技术在普光气田的应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 17-23,119.
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裴爱霞, 张立胜, 于艳秋, 刘正军
关键词:  普光气田  天然气净化  脱硫脱碳  有机硫
Application and research of high sulfur content gas desulfurization and decarbonization process on Puguang gas field
Pei Aixia, Zhang Lisheng, Yu Yanqiu, Liu Zhengjun
Puguang Branch Gas Purification Plant of Zhongyuan Oilfield
So far,Puguang gas field is the largest and most abundant oversize marine carbonate reservoir that has been exploited in China.The range of H2S and CO2 content in natural gas is 13%-18%(v) and 8%-10%(v) respectively,organic sulfur content is 340.6 mg/m3.The conventional acid gas removal process is not applicable.By research and analysis on high sulfur natural gas purification technology,the gas purification process of Puguang gas field is set up.MDEA is selected as main absorption solvent,and organic sulfur is removed by catalytic reaction.To control the CO2 absorption,an interstage cooler is set between the first main absorber and the second absorber.The rich MDEA from acid gas removal unit and tail gas treating unit is regenerated in the same stripper to reduce the cost and energy consumption.This technology has been applied in Puguang gas field for more than one year,and the technical specifications meet requirements,the content of H2S in product is lower than 6 mg/m3,CO2 is lower than 3%(v),and the total sulfur is lower than 200 mg/m3.
Key words:  Puguang gas field  natural gas purification  desulfurization and decarbonization  organic sulfur