引用本文:杨贤潮,秦朝葵,戴万能. 典型互换性判别法对国内燃具适用性的实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 48-52,57,120,121.
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杨贤潮, 秦朝葵, 戴万能
AGA指数法、Weaver指数法是国外典型的互换性判别方法。在上海市多气源天然气互换性问题的背景下,以实验室管道西气为基准气(Adjustment Gas或Reference Gas),分别计算了各种置换气(Substitute Gas)的AGA指数(IL、IF、IY)和Weaver指数(JH、JA、JF、JL、JI、JY),理论上分析了置换气与基准气的互换性,同时辅以实验,将实验结果与指数计算结果进行对比分析,讨论了两种指数法的国内适用性情况。实验证明,AGA指数法较好地预测了互换结果但没给出CO排放指标,Weaver指数法能够较好地预测离焰、回火以及热负荷变化却没能准确地预测黄焰现象和CO排放,因此要靠纯指数法来完整地反映互换结果,应根据国内实际情况综合两种判别法进行互换性分析,实验仍是目前判别互换性的必要方式。燃气互换性与燃气分类不能混为一谈。
关键词:  AGA指数  Weaver指数  多气源  天然气  互换性  适应性  配气  黄焰  燃气分类
Experimental research on typical interchangeability discriminance applicability of domestic gas appliance
Yang Xianchao, Qin Chaokui, Dai Wanneng
College of Mechanic Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China
The AGA Indices method and weaver indices method are typical overseas interchangeability discriminant methods.Under the background of interchangeability of multi-source natural gas in Shanghai,the pipeline gas in lab is used as reference gas,the AGA Indices(IL、IF、IY) and Weaver Indices(JH、JA、JF、JL、JI、JY) of all kinds of substitute gas were calculated.The interchangeability of reference gas and substitute gas was analyzed theoretically and experimentally.Finally,compared tests with the calculation results,analyzed and discussed the domestic applicability of two indices methods.The tests proved AGA Indices method could well predicted interchangeability but did not give the emission index of CO,while Weaver Indices could well predict flame-out,backfire and heat load change but did not accurately reflect yellow flame and CO emission.Therefore,in order to reflect completely the results of interchangeability by pure index methods,it is necessary to analyze the interchangeability combining domestic reality with two indices methods.Nowadays experiment is still an essential way for identifying interchangeability.And gas interchangeability should not be confused with gas classification.
Key words:  AGA indices  weaver indices  multi-source  natural gas  interchangeability  applicability  gas blending  yellow flame  gas classification