引用本文:岳迎春,郭建春,王益维. 白云岩酸蚀蚓孔模拟实验与分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 66-69,121,122.
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岳迎春1, 郭建春1, 王益维2
关键词:  白云岩  酸化  稠化酸  蚓孔  实验
Simulation experiment and analysis of acid wormhole in dolomite
Yue Yingchun1, Guo Jianchun1, Wang Yiwei2
1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University;2.Sinopec Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development
Acid wormhole can greatly improve the flow conditions of dolomite reservoir and increase the effect of acidizing stimulation,while the wormhole development is the key issue related to the optimization of acid system and construction parameters for this type of formation.This article compares the corrosion inhibition property of thickening acid with hydrochloric through experiment;aiming at the characteristics of natural fractures of dolomite reservoir,artificial fracture is made to simulate the flow and reaction feature in natural fracture,and the impact of acid injection flowrate,acid viscosity,temperature and acid amount on acid wormhole development is analyzed.The results show that the higher viscosity of thickening acid helps to increase the effective reaction distance and the expansion of acid wormhole;high reaction temperature limits the acidizing effect of improving formation permeability;there is an optimal value of acid volume,the excess amount of acid injection will only result in the waste of acid.
Key words:  dolomite  acidizing  thickening acid  acid wormhole  experiment