引用本文:王冲,张贵才,张建强,冯岸洲,付欣. 陈庄原油超低界面张力驱油体系研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 74-78,89,122.
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王冲, 张贵才, 张建强, 冯岸洲, 付欣
开展了单一表面活性剂体系、表面活性剂复配体系及碱+表面活性剂体系与陈庄原油间动态界面张力的测定实验。实验结果表明:CBET-13在较宽的质量分数范围内(0.05%~0.15%)可以使油水界面张力达到超低;质量比为4∶1的SLPS与KAS复配体系,当总质量分数在0.075%~0.15%的范围内可以使油水界面张力平衡值降至10-4 mN/m数量级;总有效质量分数为0.1%、质量比在(9∶1)~(6∶4)范围内的CBET-13与CBET-17复配体系使油水界面张力降到超低;0.2%NaOH+((0.05%~0.2%)SLPS、(0.025%~0.05%)AS-0-4、(0.01%~0.075%)AS-3-0、(0.03%~0.09%)HSBET-12)体系可以使油水界面张力降至10-3 mN/m以下。以上体系,可以作为陈庄油田超低界面张力驱油配方的选择。
关键词:  毛管数  表面活性剂    复配  超低界面张力
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展项目(863计划)“与蒸汽吞吐结合的表面活性剂驱油体系研究”(2007AA 06Z201)
Research on ultralow interfacial tension flooding system of Chenzhuang crude oil
Wang Chong, Zhang Guicai, Zhang Jianqiang, Feng Anzhou, Fu Xin
School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266555,Shandong
Dynamics interfacial tension determination experiment is carried out in single surfactant,surfactant combination systems and alkali + surfactant systems with Chenzhuang crude oil.The results show that CBET-13 with mass fraction of 0.05%-0.15% can make oil-water interfacial tension decreases to ultra low;While the mass ratio of SLPS and KAS is 4∶1,the total mass fraction is in the range of 0.075%-0.15%,the equilibrium interfacial tension value can decrease to magnititude 10-4 mN/m;with the total effective mass fraction of 0.1% and the mass ratio of CBET-13:CBET-17=9:1-6:4,the interfacial tension can decrease to ultra low;with the systems of alkali + surfactant(0.2%NaOH+(0.05-0.2%SLPS,0.025%-0.05%AS-0-4,0.01%-0.075%AS-3-0,0.03%-0.09%HSBET-12),oil-water interfacial tension can decrease to less than 10-3 mN/m.These flooding systems can be used as flooding formulas in Chenzhuang oilfield.
Key words:  capillary number  surfactant  alkali  combination system  ultralow interfacial tension