引用本文:于宝石,王玉艳,王维旭,蒋义伟. 白驹油田集输系统腐蚀结垢原因分析及防护对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 85-89,123.
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于宝石, 王玉艳, 王维旭, 蒋义伟
用水质水性分析、腐蚀电化学分析、X射线衍射分析等实验方法,判断了白驹油田集输系统腐蚀结垢类型。结果 表明,集输系统腐蚀和结垢同时发生,垢以CaCO3和MgCO3为主;腐蚀是阴极过程控制的电化学腐蚀,溶解氧、高矿化度(Cl-)和高SRB含量是腐蚀发生的主要原因。同时,结合工艺流程,提出了以化学防腐防垢为主,以物理隔氧、阴极保护为辅的对策,在现场应用中取得了显著效果。
关键词:  集输  腐蚀  结垢  机理  对策  白驹油田
Cause and countermeasures of corrosion and scaling of the gathering system in Baiju oil field
Yu Baoshi, Wang Yuyan, Wang Weixu, Jiang Yiwei
Production Technology Research Institute,PetroChina Zhejiang Oil Field Company
Based on the methods of water quality analysis,corrosion electrochemistry analysis,and X-ray diffraction,the types of the corrosion and scaling of the gathering system are studied.The results indicated that the corrosion and scaling was taken place simultaneously with the main scale of calcium and magnesium carbonate.Meanwhile,it was found that the corrosion was electrochemical erosion controlled by the cathode process.The system had high DO,Cl-and SRB content,which was the main reason of causing corrosion.By researching the protect methods against corrosion and scaling,we proposed the chemical and physical methods as technical countermeasure based on the technical process and the research results,and achieved notable effect.
Key words:  gathering system  corrosion  scaling  mechanism  countermeasure