引用本文:蒲美玲,刘旭辉. 基于多孔烧结金属的油田污水悬浮物处理实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(1): 102-103,118,124.
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蒲美玲1, 刘旭辉2
关键词:  油田污水  悬浮物  多孔金属
Experimental study of suspended solids treatment in the oilfield sewage based on porous sintering metals
Pu Meiling1, Liu Xuhui2
1.Institute of Oil Production Technology,Sinopec Jianghan Oil Field,Wuhan 430025,Hubei,China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,China
In view of the current treating status of the oilfield sewage containing suspended solids(SS),the SS in the oilfield sewage of Jianghan oilfield of China petrochemical was extracted,the parameters including the particle sizes and contents are tested.A set of test equipment is built up and the porous sintering metals are adopted as the filter material.The performance of sewage after filtrating the porous sintering metal under the gravity is tested,the effect of the sintering porous metal as the filter material in the suspended solids treating is verified.The results show that there are a great deal of blocks and filter cakes after the sewage permeating the porous sintering metal,the filtering effect is good,which provides methods and experimental basis for the treatment of the suspended solids in oilfield sewage.
Key words:  oilfield sewage  suspended solids  porous metal