引用本文:赵军艳,蔡共先. 吉拉克凝析气田天然气处理装置优化运行方案比选[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 161-163,247.
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赵军艳1, 蔡共先2
关键词:  吉拉克  三叠系  石炭系  天然气处理  优化  方案比选
Jilake device operation optimization scheme selection
Zhao Junyan1, Cai Gongxian2
1.China Liaohe Petroleum Engineering Company Limited in Bazhou Tarim Branch;2.Xinjiang Markor Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd
During the later development period of Jilake condensate gas field,both the production of oil and gas and the pressure decrease constently,production wells were closed or stopped successively.At present,the actual production capacity has larger difference with the original design,both the natural gas treatment devices of Triassic and Carboniferous are both under low load operation,the equipment capacity has not yet been fully used,which cause the devices′operation cost high and economy poor.To change the production situation,the natural gas of Triassic and Carboniferous are considered uniformly by pressure mechanism,the process is simplified and the operation parameters of the two devices are adjusted appropriately.The built facilities were used best to treat raw material gas for meeting the requirements of water and hydrocarbon dew point of the natural gas transportation.
Key words:  Jilake  Triassic system  Carboniferous system  natural gas process  optimization  scheme selection