引用本文:陈文,张强,金洪,谷坛,唐永帆,黄红兵,等. 川东北气矿井下管柱腐蚀评价及缓蚀剂防腐研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 196-199,249.
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陈文, 张强, 金洪, 谷坛, 唐永帆, 黄红兵, 曹军
选择川东北气矿气田水回注井和气水同产井各一口作为研究目标,现场取样后进行了室内静态及动态腐蚀评价实验。结果 表明,此两口井存在严重的腐蚀,腐蚀速率大于0.1mm/a,且具有明显局部腐蚀。针对这两口井进行了缓蚀剂筛选评价,发现CT2-15能有效地控制腐蚀(其腐蚀速率低于0.1mm/a),改善腐蚀试片表面情况,抑制局部腐蚀。同时,理化性能评价结果显示,CT2-15具有良好的耐热性能、与现场水配伍性优良且与现场水不发生乳化,适合现场工况条件下使用。
关键词:  酸性气体  腐蚀速率  局部腐蚀  缓蚀剂  川东北气矿
Evaluation of downhole tube corrosion and research on corrosion inhibitor in Northeastern Sichuan Gas District
Chen Wen, Zhang Qiang, Jin Hong, Gu Tan, Tang Yongfan, Hang Hongbin, Cao Jun
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan
After gathering corrosion materials from fieldwater reinjection well and gas production well with water in Northeastern Sichuan Gas District,corrosion evaluation experiment was done under static condition and dynamic condition.The experiment results show that the corrosion of the two wells were serious,corrosion rate was over 0.1mm / a,and obvious local corrosion was found.A corrosion inhibitor screening evaluation to the two wells was done under the same experiment conditions as above.It was found that the corrosion inhibitor CT2-15can effectively control corrosion rate less than 0.1mm / a,improve surface condition of corrosion coupon,and inhibit local corrosion.Physiochemical performance evaluation result shows that CT2-15has good heat resistance and compatibility with produced water.It will not form emulsification with fieldwater and is fit to be used in field.
Key words:  acidic gas  corrosion rate  local corrosion  corrosion inhibitor