引用本文:张杨竣,秦朝葵,刘鹏君. LNG互换性及我国天然气气质管理问题探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 219-222,251.
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张杨竣, 秦朝葵, 刘鹏君
2010年,液化天然气(LNG)已占全球天然气贸易额的30.5%,在我国的一些沿海城市正在形成LNG与管道天然气共存的多气源格局。较之欧美日韩等国,我国天然气的气质管理规范尚不完善,没有形成有效的入网天然气质量管理规范和互换性预测方法。以广东省11种气源、32台民用燃气灶作为实验研究对象,对LNG与管道天然气之间的互换性问题进行测试分析。结果 表明:LNG的入网可能导致民用燃具的互换性问题,特别是造成CO排放超标;我国在天然气气质管理方面亟需开展系统研究,以避免可能出现的高昂成本转换问题。
关键词:  液化天然气  LNG  气质  互换性
Discussion on LNG interchangeability and natural gas quality management in China
Zhang Yangjun, Qin Chaokui, Liu Pengjun
College of Mechanical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804
Liquefied natural gas(LNG) has boomed recently to account for 30.5%of global natural gas trades in 2010.In some coastal cities in China,LNG has being introduced into pipeline systems.But natural gas quality specification has never been managed in a scientific way,and there are no detailed technical specification and reliable methods to predict interchangeability.The performances of 32sampled gas cookers under 11different gases were experimentally measured to explore interchangeability between LNG and pipeline natural gas.The results show that excessive CO emissions are likely to be caused by the introduction of LNG.Systematic researches are urgently essential to be carried out in the field of natural gas quality specification,in order to avoid expensive cost for conversions in future.
Key words:  LNG  natural gas  gas quality  interchangeability