引用本文:高进,蒲浩,刘富权,袁树海,吴廷兰,李治薇,等. ESD在天然气净化厂的安全等级探析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 239-242,252.
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高进1, 蒲浩2, 刘富权1, 袁树海3, 吴廷兰1, 李治薇4, 陈忠培1
关键词:  传感器  ESD  安全等级  安全联锁  标准  整改措施
Analysis of the safety integrity level of ESD in natural gas purification plant
Gao Jin,Pu Hao,Liu Fuquan,Yuan Shuhai,Wu Tinglan,Li Zhiwei,et al
1.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chongqing Changshou 401259,Sichuan,China;2.Nanchong Refining and Chemical Plant General of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Nanchong 637000,China
The definition of safety integrity level of ESD and the applied safety standard is mainly represented,the existing problems in the ESD current security situation of the 7branches of the Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General by illustrating are also analyzed.Based on SH / T3018-2003 Design Code for Safety Instrumented System in Petrochemical Industry,SY / T10045-2003 Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries,HG / T 20511-2000 Design Code for Signal Alarm and Safety Interlock System,the safety integrity level of ESD and some relevant suggestions for its improvement are proposed to increase the safety integrity level of ESD,hence,it can ensure the smooth running of natural gas purification device.
Key words:  ESD  safety integrity level  standard  rectification measures