引用本文:蒋文学,李韦韦,李楷,万向臣,陈涛,侯宇昌,等. 高效强抑制性粘土稳定剂研发及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 320-322,360.
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蒋文学1, 李韦韦2,3, 李楷1, 万向臣, 陈涛, 侯宇昌, 王蓓
山西永和天然气风险勘探区块前期压裂改造增产效果均不理想,未达到地质预测目标。岩心敏感性评价结果表明,储层具有很强的水敏性,前期液体体系对岩心伤害率平均高达61.6%。室内结合储层地质特征,开发出了一种高效粘土稳定剂NT-2,并对中间产物进行表征测试,对比评价了该产品粘土防膨性能和岩心颗粒抗浸泡、抗冲刷能力。结果 显示,该产品粘土防膨、抗浸泡和抗冲刷性能优良,并且不影响压裂液体系流变性能,同时降低了压裂液对储层岩心伤害率。现场施工顺利,平均单层试气产量比前期改造提高了3.4倍,为后续开发提供了可靠的技术支撑和优化思路。
关键词:  水敏  粘土矿物  防膨性能  岩心伤害
Development and application of efficient and strong inhibitory clay stabilizer
Jiang Wenxue,,Li Weiwei,Li Kai,Wan Xiangchen,Cheng Tao,Huo Yuchang,et al
1.Low Permeability Oil and Gas Exploration and Development of National Engineering Laboratory,Technology & Engineering Research Institute of Sichuan-Changqing Drilling Engineering Company,Xi′an 710018,Shaanxi,China;2.College of Chemical Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,Sichuan,China
The core sensitivity evaluation in Yonghe natural gas exploration area of Shaanxi indicated that there exists strong water sensitivity in reservoir.The average rate of core damage is up to 61.6% by pre-liquid system.In order to prevent the reservoir core damage by the pre-liquid system,an efficient clay stabilizer NT-2 was prepared.The performances of anti-swelling,anti-immersing and anti-eroding of the clay stabilizer were evaluated by contrast.The results show that these performances are excellent,and the rheological behavior of the fracturing fluid system is not affected by the clay stabilizer,the damage rate of reservoir core by fracturing fluid is reduced.After application of the clay stabilizer on the spot,the production of gas is increased by 3.4 times.
Key words:  water-sensitivity  clay minerals  anti-swelling performance  core damage