引用本文:李佳,罗一菁,张忠智,金晶,柏春荫. 微生物絮凝剂对油田采出液污水絮凝效果的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 341-345,362.
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李佳, 罗一菁, 张忠智, 金晶, 柏春荫
从油田采出液污水中筛选得到一株对三元复合驱采出液污水絮凝效果较好的微生物絮凝剂产生菌WZ,对WZ菌的16SrDNA进行了测序分析,考察了WZ菌代谢产物对三元复合驱采出液污水的絮凝效果,分析了WZ微生物絮凝剂的主要活性成分。结果 表明,WZ菌株为成团泛菌(Pantoea agglomerans),其产生的絮凝剂主要分布在发酵液离心后的上清液中。35℃、170r/min摇床振荡培养29h,WZ微生物絮凝剂对采出液污水的絮凝效果最好,最适投加量为25mL/L,悬浮物去除率达到47.76%。经蒽酮比色法、考马斯亮蓝法和红外光谱法分析得知:WZ微生物絮凝剂主要成分为糖蛋白类物质。
关键词:  微生物絮凝剂  三元复合驱采出液污水  平均粒度  悬浮物固体去除率
Flocculating effect of microbial flocculant in the ASP produced water
Li Jia, Luo Yijing, Zhang Zhongzhi, Jin Jing, Bai Chunying
College of Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China
A microbial flocculant producing strain named WZ with good flocculation effect to ASP produced water was screened out from ASP produced water.We detected and accomplished the sequence analysis of 16S rDNA for strain WZ and studied flocculating effects when putting metabolite produced by WZ strain into ASP produced water,analyzed main active ingredients in WZ flocculant.The results illustrate that WZ strain belongs to Pantoea Agglomerans and the flocculant produced by WZ strain are mainly distributed in the supernatant of fermented liquid through centrifuged.The flocculating effect on ASP produced water is the best under the conditions that WZ strain is placed in a shaker to cultivate for 29 h at 35 ℃ and 170 r/min.The optimum addition volume of the microbial flocculant is 25 mL/L and the removal rate of suspended solids can reach 47.76%.By approaches of Anthrone colorimetric,Bradford method and infrared spectrum analysis,it is concluded that the main ingredient in the microbial flocculant is glycosidoprotein.
Key words:  microbial flocculant  ASP produced water  average particle size  removal rate of solid suspensions