引用本文:陈明燕,徐琦,罗林. 新疆油田钻井废液固液分离实验研究及现场应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 346-348,362.
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陈明燕1, 徐琦2, 罗林3
针对中国石油新疆油田公司的废弃钻井液,研究出了化学脱稳剂对钻井废液进行破胶脱稳,并确定了固液分离以及分离出水处理的药剂配方。研制了一套以带式压滤机为核心分离设备的钻井废液处理设备,在中国石化西南分公司以及中国石油新疆油田公司进行现场应用试验。结果 表明,废水达到国家相关标准要求后就地排放,分离出的干泥饼浸泡液能够达到国家相关标准要求,处理成本低于50元/m3。该处理设备工艺及设备具有简单易操作,处理成本较低等特点,具有推广应用的价值。
关键词:  钻井废液  固液分离处理  处理工艺  一体化设备  油田应用
Experimental study and field application of solid-liquid separation of drilling waste fluid in Xinjiang oil field
Chen Mingyan1, Xu Qi2, Luo Lin3
1.Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China;2.Shunan Gas District,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Luzhou 646001,Sichuan,China;3.Sichuan Huayou Group Co.,Ltd.,Luzhou 646000,Sichuan,China
Based on the waste drilling fluid from PetroChina Xinjiang oilfield,a chemical destabilization agent was prepared to treat with the waste drilling fluid for gel breaking destabilization,and the pharmaceutical formulations were determined for solid-liquid separation and water treatment.A set of drilling processing equipment with belt type filter press as the core was developed,and the field application experiment was conducted in Sinopec Southwest Company and PetroChina Xinjiang oil field. Results show that the waste water can be discharged locally after meeting the related national standards,and the soaked fluid isolated from the dry mud cake can reach the related national standards,the processing cost is less than RMB 50 yuan/m3.The drilling processing technology and equipment have the advantages of simple operation and low processing cost,therefore,it has the value of application.
Key words:  waste drilling fluid  solid-liquid separation treatment  treatment technology  integrated equipment  oilfield application