引用本文:袁长忠,潘永强,陈景军,王金亮,杜春安. 油田污水配制聚合物的脱硫保粘研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 353-356,362.
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袁长忠1, 潘永强1, 陈景军2, 王金亮, 杜春安
针对因油田污水中H2S的存在而导致配制的聚合物溶液粘度损失严重的问题开展研究,采用空气氧化法,通过优化水力停留时间和气水比,实现了对污水中H2S的彻底去除,并使处理后污水所配聚合物溶液(质量浓度为1700 mg/L)粘度由处理前的5 mPa·s提高到30mPa·s以上,且具有较高的热稳定性,达到了该二元复合驱对聚合物溶液粘度的设计要求。同时,全部采用脱硫处理后污水配制的聚合物溶液(污水配制母液、污水稀释)粘度也可以达到30mPa·s以上,因此可以采用污水配制聚合物母液,节约大量清水资源和生产费用。
关键词:  油田污水  脱硫  空气氧化  二元复合驱  聚合物粘度
Removing hydrogen sulfide of crude sewage and keeping viscosity of polymer solution prepared by crude sewage
Yuan Changzhong1, Pan Yongqiang1, Chen Jingjun2, Wang Jinliang, Du Chunan
1.Research Institute of Oil Production Technology,Shengli Oilfield Branch,Sinopec,Dongying 257000,Shandong,China;2.Hekou Oil Plant,Shengli Oilfield Branch,Sinopec,Dongying 257200,Shandong,China
The problem of heavy loss of polymer solution viscosity because of hydrogen sulfide in crude sewage was studied.By optimizing hydraulic retention time and air/water ratio of air oxidation method,hydrogen sulfide was removed thoroughly and viscosity of polymer solution(the concentration was 1700 mg/L)was increased from 5 mPa·s to 30 mPa·s,and it had high thermal stability,which met the design requirement of polymer-surfactant displacement method.Meanwhile,the viscosity of polymer solution prepared by sewage after desulphurization processing(both mother liquid and dilution prepared by sewage)could reach more than 30 mPa·s,so a great quantity of freshwater and production cost could be saved.
Key words:  crude sewage  desulphurization  air oxidation  polymer-surfactant displacement  polymer  viscosity