引用本文:付朝阳,张云善,何金杯,陶利佳,王江顺. 油田污水中HGY-9B缓蚀剂的浓度检测[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 516-518.
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付朝阳1, 张云善2, 何金杯3, 陶利佳3, 王江顺3
分别利用紫外光谱和光度法对油田污水中低浓度的咪唑啉类缓蚀剂HGY-9B进行了检测。结果 表明,紫外光谱法和光度法(两种显色剂)均能很好地检测3% NaCl溶液中HGY-9B缓蚀剂的浓度,但是在油田污水中,紫外光谱法已无法检测,光度法中显色剂A也不适用,而显色剂B能够较好地检测污水中HGY-9B缓蚀剂浓度,相对误差较小
关键词:  油田污水 咪唑啉 浓度检测 紫外光谱 光度法
Concentration determination of HGY-9B corrosion inhibitor in producing well water
Fu Chaoyang1, Zhang Yunshan2, He Jinbei3, Tao Lijia3, Wang Jiangshun3
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China;2.Sichuan Western Gas Producing Factory, Southwest Oil and Gas Subcompany of SINOPEC Group, Deyang 618000, Sichuan, China;3.Wuhan Huakete New Technology Co. Ltd, Wuhan 430074,Hubei, China
Low concentration of HGY-9B corrosion inhibitor with imidazoline as essential constituent in producing well water was determined by ultraviolet photometer and coloring photometric method. The results show that both ultraviolet photometric method and coloring photometric method using different coloring agents A and B can detect the concentration of HGY-9B inhibitor in 3% NaCl solution. But neither the ultraviolet photometric method nor the coloring photometric method with agent A is suitable for the producing well water. The coloring photometric method using agent B is able to determine the concentration of HGY-9B corrosion inhibitor in the producing well water with low relative error
Key words:  producing well water, imidazoline, concentration determination, ultraviolet photometric method, coloring photometric method