引用本文:张謦文,罗 跃,刘清云,谭良柏,孔玉明. 江汉油区广华站水质改善措施研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 530-532.
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张謦文1, 罗 跃1, 刘清云1, 谭良柏2, 孔玉明1
江汉油区广华站采出水矿化度高,出水悬浮物、粒径中值和铁离子均超标严重,水质达标率低。通过工艺调整,工艺前端添加1000 m3的调储罐和长江大学自主研制的反相破乳剂AK-2,处理后出水悬浮物质量浓度≤4 mg/L,含油量≤2 mg/L,注水水质达标;另外,在絮凝沉降阶段引入“反相破乳+Fenton”反应的絮凝沉降分离净化技术,有助于铁离子的去除。调整后的工艺在广华站运行稳定可靠,大大提高了出水水质
关键词:  反相破乳剂 Fenton反应 调储沉降 水质达标率
Research on water quality improvement measures in Guanghua station of Jianghan Oilfield
Zhang Qingwen,Luo Yue,Liu Qingyun,Tan Liangbai,Kong Yuming
College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering ,Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, Hubei, China
The salinity of produced water which is from Guanghua station in Jianghan Oilfield is very high, suspended matter, median grain diameter and iron ions in the effluent went beyond the standard greatly, and water qualification rate is low. Through the process adjustment, adding adjustable storage tank of 1000 m3 and reverse demulsifier AK-2 developed by Yangtze University in anterior segment, then the content of suspended matter ≤4 mg/L,oil content ≤2 mg/L in the effluent,the water quality achieved the standards; meanwhile, the inverting demulsification + Fenton reaction was introduced into flocculating sedimentation stage, which contributes to the removal of iron ions. The operation of adjustment process is stable and reliable in Guanghua station, which greatly improves the water quality
Key words:  reverse demulsifier, Fenton reaction, flocculating sedimentation, water qualification rate