引用本文:陆剑波,张 余,杨 慧,袁庆洪,赖 兵,何 熨. CNG站能效对标指标体系的建立[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(6): 616-618.
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陆剑波1, 张 余2, 杨 慧3, 袁庆洪1, 赖 兵4, 何 熨4
以中国石油西南油气田公司CNG生产与销售业务为例,分析了CNG装置能耗现状以及重点工序能耗影响的重要因素,通过对比分析与筛选,确定了能效对标指标,初步建立了CNG生产与销售业务能效对标指标体系;利用3个CNG站的现场能耗数据,通过计算求取能效指标值,并进行比较, 找出差距,从而可为制定节能挖潜的改进措施明确方向
关键词:  CNG装置 能效对标指标 压缩机 精细化管理
Foundation of energy benchmarking system for CNG station
Lu Jianbo,Zhang Yu,Yang Hui,Yuan Qinhong,Nai Bin,He Yun
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oli & Gasfield Company, Chendu 610213,Sichuan,China;2.Quality & Environmental Protection Agency of PetroChina Southwest Oli & Gasfield Company, Chendu 610000,Sichuan,China;3.Natural Gas Company of PetroChina Dagang Oilfield Branch, Tianjin 300270, China
Taking the production and sales of CNG in PetroChina Southwest Oli and Gasfield Company as example, the article analyzes the present situation of energy consumption of CNG devices and important factors affecting energy consumption in the important process. Through comparative analysis and screening, the index of benchmarking can be determined, and the system of energy efficiency benchmarking in CNG production and sales business has been established preliminary. It is clearly that the measures of energy-saving and potential-excavating can be formulated in preliminary, and the value of energy-efficiency can be gotten through calculation with the field energy consumption data of 3 CNG stations, and a comparison can be made, finally a disparity can be found out
Key words:  CNG devices, index of energy-efficiency benchmarking, compressor