引用本文:高红利,曾懋辉. 高含盐高含水原油脱盐效果分析及改进措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 18-21.
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通过考察茂名石化公司近期加工的几种高含盐、高含水原油的电脱盐现状及存在问题,分析了脱盐效果对生产的影响,指出了影响电脱盐效果的主要因素是原油性质、电脱盐的注水量、破乳剂型号、油水混合强度、脱盐温度、电场强度等。结合理论和生产实际,提出了改善高含盐高含水原油脱盐效果的几点措施,即增加原油在原油罐内的停留时间、适当提高脱水温度以及在原油罐区注破乳剂进行低温破乳等措施优化原油预脱水操作;通过调整破乳剂注入点及注入流程,优化注水、注剂流程,进行双向破乳,解决脱水带油问题;通过定期清除罐底油污以及优化各工艺参数等措施提高脱盐率,改善脱盐效果。 
关键词:  高含盐高含水原油  常减压蒸馏  电脱盐  改进措施
Performance analysis and improvement measurement for electro-desalting of crude oil with high-salt and high-water content
Gao Hongli1, Zeng Maohui2
(1.Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming 525000, Guangdong, China;2.SINOPEC Maoming Company, Maoming 525000, Guangdong, China)
The performance analysis of electro-desalting of several types of crude oil with high-salt and high-water content in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit in Sinopec Maoming Company were conducted. The effects of critical factors on desalting, such as properties of crude oil, water injection, demulsifiers models, mixing intensity, temperature of desalting,and electric field strength, were analyzed. The results showed that pre-dewatering operation can be optimized by increasing the residence time of the crude oil in the oil tank, increasing the dehydration temperature and injecting demulsifier in the crude oil tank. Meanwhile, the problem of the dehydration outlet stream containing oil can be solved using the bidirectional demulsification and the optimization of the injection process. In addition, regularly clearing the oil spill in tank bottom, and optimizing the operational parameters can also improve the desalination effect.
Key words:  high-salt and high-water crude oil  atmospheric-vacuum distillation  electro-desalting  improvement