引用本文:陈昊宇,缪巍,汪卫东,张秀霞. 油田回注水微生物腐蚀贡献率的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(1): 78-82.
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通过高温蒸汽灭菌、离心除菌和过滤除菌3种方法考察胜利油田宁海区回注水去除细菌后的腐蚀变化情况,研究微生物在回注水腐蚀中的贡献率。结果 表明,高温蒸汽灭菌法能完全杀灭细菌,但同时会改变水的化学性质;离心除菌法虽不改变水的化学性质,但不能完全去除细菌;过滤除菌法既不改变水的化学性质,又能全部去除细菌,能较好地用于反映微生物在腐蚀中的作用。研究结果表明,微生物在宁海区回注水腐蚀中是主导因素,对腐蚀的贡献率达到57%~72%。
关键词:  微生物腐蚀  高温蒸汽灭菌  离心除菌  过滤除菌  回注水
Microorganism corrosion contribution rate in oilfield reinjection water
Chen Haoyu1, Miao Wei1, Wang Weidong2, Zhang Xiuxia1
(1. China University of Petroleum (East China),Tianjin 300384, China;2. Research Institute of Oil Production Technology,Shengli Oilfield Branch Company, Sinopec, Dongying 257000, Shandong, China)
Three methods of high temperature steam sterilization, centrifugal degerming and filtration sterilization are used to investigate different changes of corrosion extent in Shengli Oilfield Ninghai area reinjection water caused by removing bacteria and contribution rate in reinjection water corrosion by microorganism. The results show that high temperature steam sterilization can remove all the germs, as well as change water chemical property. Through centrifugal degerming, water chemical property remains the same, but germs cannot be completely removed. By filtration sterilization, water chemical property undergoes no change while germs are completely removed. Besides, it can better reflect the role of microorganisms in corrosion. The research results indicate that microorganism is the leading factor of reinjection water corrosion in Ninghai area where the contribution rate is 57% to 72%.
Key words:  microbiological corrosion  high temperature steam sterilization  centrifugation degerming  filtration degerming  reinjection water