引用本文:肖文静. 纤维膜装置运行问题分析与对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 127-130.
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中国石化扬子石油化工有限公司将纤维膜技术应用于焦化液化气脱硫醇精制。在运行过程中,出现了二硫化物分液罐和尾气管线腐蚀、脱硫醇尾气直接放空污染大气和碱渣难以处理的问题,并针对这些问题提出了改进意见及方案。结果 表明:改良新鲜碱液和催化剂的添加方法可降低碱渣生成量;控制合适的操作温度和喷涂陶瓷涂层可避免二硫化物分液罐腐蚀;更换管线材质可避免尾气管线腐蚀;将脱硫醇尾气送至硫回收焚烧炉焚烧可解决尾气污染大气的问题。 
关键词:  纤维膜  碱耗  碱渣  碱脆  脱硫醇尾气
Analysis and countermeasure about operation problems of fiber membrane unit
Xiao Wenjing
(Beijing WorleyParsons E&T Co., Ltd. Nanjing Office, Nanjing 210019, Jiangsu, China)
Fiber membrane technology has been applied to sweetening process of liquefied petroleum gas in Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company. In operation process, the problems that bisulfide separator and the exhaust pipeline corroded, atmosphere pollution caused by the direct exhausting of sweetening tail gas, and the difficult treatment of alkali residue have been found. To solve these issues, improvements and conutermeasures have been proposed. The results showed that improving the adding method of fresh caustic and catalyst can reduce the amount of alkali residue; controlling bisulfide separator under the proper operation temperature and spraying ceramic coatings can avoid the corrosion of separator, replacing material of pipeline can avoid the corrosion of tail gas pipeline; the problem of atmosphere pollution can be solved by sending sweetening tail gas to incinerator of sulfur recovery unit to burn.
Key words:  fiber membrane  alkali consumption  alkali residue  alkali brittleness  sweetening tail gas