引用本文:张磊,彭志刚,余金陵,徐鑫,李国峰. 非常规油气压裂球的研制及分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 165-167.
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(胜利石油管理局钻井工艺研究院 胜利石油管理局完井重点实验室 )
压裂技术是开发非常规油气资源的核心技术,而压裂球的质量又决定该技术的成败。以碳纤维(CF)和聚醚芳酮(PEAK)为原料,采用挤出造粒的方法制备了高性能PEAK/CF复合材料压裂球,并对其微观形貌、热性能及力学性能进行了研究。结果 表明, CF与PEAK结合紧密,当CF质量分数约为25%时, PEAK/CF复合材料的热分解温度大于500 ℃,拉伸强度、剪切强度及弯曲强度的力学性能良好。
关键词:  非常规油气  聚醚芳酮  热性能  力学性能
Preparation and structure analysis of unconventional oil-gas fracturing ball
Zhang Lei, Peng Zhigang, Yu Jinling, Xu Xin, Li Guofeng
(Shengli Petroleum Administration Drilling Technology Research Institute, Shengli Petroleum Administration Completion Engineering Key Laboratory, Dongying 257017, Shandong,China)
Fracturing technology is the core technology in development of unconventional resources, and the quality of fracturing ball determines the technical success or failure. The high performance PEAK/Carbon fiber (CF) composite was prepared by extrusion pelletization with the raw material of carbon fiber (CF) and pure PEAK, and the micro-morphology, thermal performance and mechanics property of the composite were studied. The results indicated that the combination of CF and PEAK was tight.When the mass fraction of CF was about 25%, the thermal decomposition temperature of PEAK/CF composite is above 500℃, and the tensile strength, shear strength and flexural strength of the composite were very good.
Key words:  unconventional oil-gas  PEAK  thermal performance  mechanical property