引用本文:赵巍,高云文,欧阳勇,王勇茗. 苏里格气田泥页岩防坍塌钻井液研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(2): 173-176.
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(1. 低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室;2. 长庆油田油气工艺研究院)
苏里格气田水平井斜井段钻遇泥岩,发生坍塌易卡钻、影响钻井速度。为此,通过室内试验优选出无机抑制剂、有机抑制剂形成复合盐钻井液,一次回收率85%,二次回收率75%以上, 页岩膨胀降低率最低也达到73%左右,具有强抑制、低失水、高润滑性能且加重性能稳定,携砂性能良好。现场试验8口井,无掉块,起下钻顺畅,电测一次成功。 
关键词:  无机抑制剂  水平井  坍塌  吸附 
Study on drilling fluid for anti-collapse of shale in Sulige gas field
Zhao Wei1,2, Gao Yunwen1,2, Ouyang Yong1,2, Wang Yongming1,2
(1.National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low-permeability Oil and Gas Field, Xi'an 710021,Shaanxi,China;2.Changqing Oilfield Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute, Xi'an 710021,Shannxi,China)
Inclined segment of horizontal wells in Sulige gas field was drilled to mudstones, then collapse occurred and sticking often happened, which affected the drilling speed. For this reason, inorganic inhibitors and organic inhibitors were optimized to form the complex salt drilling fluid. The first recovery rate is 85%, the second is more than 75%, the lowest shale swelling reduce rate is about 73% with strong inhibition, low water loss, high lubrication, stable aggravation and good carrying sand performance. Through testing 8 field wells, there is no dropper, tripping is smooth, and electrical measuring succeeded one time.
Key words:  inorganic inhibitors  horizontal well  collapse  adsorption