引用本文:李小玲,丁里,石华强,尹晓宏,吕小明. 超低浓度羟丙基胍胶压裂液体系的研制及在苏里格气田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 274-278.
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(1. 长庆油田分公司油气工艺研究院;2. 陕西低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室)
关键词:  超低浓度压裂液  羟丙基胍胶  高效交联剂  低伤害 
Development of the super-low concentration hydroxypropyl guar gelled fracturing fluid and its application in Sulige gas field
Li Xiaoling1,2, Ding Li1,2, Shi Huaqiang1,2, Yin Xiaohong1,2, Lv Xiaoming1,2
(1. Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute, Changqing Oilfield Company,Xi'an 710021, Shaanxi,China;2.Shaanxi Low Permeability Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development of the National Engineering Laboratory,Xi'an710021, Shaanxi,China)
On the basis of the analysis of Upper Paleozoic Reservoir geological conditions in Sugeli gas field, according to the theory of critical concentration of the hydroxypropyl guar gum(HPG) is the lowest concentration of cross-inking, and organic boron crosslinking mechanism, the new style high efficient cross-linking agent has been studied through the optimizing of synthesis conditions and cross-linking complexing agent. The application of this cross-linking system could make the hydroxypropyl guar concentration decline by 40%, and the fracturing fluid system could still keep the good temperature-resistance property and rheological behavior. The volume of the residual gum decrease greatly alleviated the damage to reservoir. By the end of the 2011, the fracturing fluid had been successfully used in 42 vertical wells and 3 horizontal wells of the Sulige gas field, which achieved better modification effects.
Key words:  super-low concentration fracturing fluid  hydroxypropyl guar gum  high efficiency cross-linking complex agent  low damage